OUR Sponsors and Partners
Alnarp’s Agroecology Farm is an independent not-for-profit organisation, managed by a board of 9-10 passionate students. The farm is not owned or funded by SLU, although we work closely with Faculty members to host teaching activities at the farm. Since its humble beginnings, Alnarp’s Farm has had to build up a sustainable economic model so that in the long-term it is financially self-sufficient. By the end of 2022, we will be run as an entirely self-sufficient business. 2021 was our first year of activity and since we had no personal funds to invest (being students!), the only opportunity to start the project was to apply for grants and sponsorships. Today, we are very grateful to all those who believed in us and took the risk of supporting this student-run project. Without you, none of this would have been possible!
Thank you to Sten K Johnson Stifelse and SLU Holding for awarding Alnarp’s Farm with the start-up grants in 2021, making it possible to turn our dream into reality.
Thank you to Venture Lab who provided us with the opportunity to start our farm on campus as well as the advice we needed to start our own business.
Thank you Bingenheimer for continuously supporting us with the highest quality, organic, fair, precision seeds for our market garden.

Thank you to our partners, who continue to collaborate with us on a regular basis:
And also:
The Swedish National Gene Bank for Vegetatively Propagated Horticultural Crops
Would you like to sponsor or partner with Alnarp’s Farm? Contact us here!