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General Data Protection Regulation

As a non-profit organisation we handle personal data of both regular members as well as CSA-members. By law we are bound to have organisational policy concerning the processing and handling of data, also referred to as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In the following section we provide a detailed overview of our GDPR.

Personal data

In order to reach out and stay in contact with our members we ask our members for a few details. The following table shows which details we ask for and why we need them.

Personal detail



Email address

Phone number

Type of member (SLU students, SLU staff, external)

To be able to address members accordingly.

To maintain contact with members concerning activities, CSA and other Alnarp’s Farm related issues that concern members.

To quickly reach members when necessary.

To determine membership costs.

As a member you always have the right to demand Alnarp’s Farm for the information that has been collected. Data is saved on a secure cloud, to which only board members have access. Under no circumstance will personal details be shared with third parties. All members will immediately be notified if a breach of security has occurred. 

Termination of membership

Once a membership has been terminated, data of the specific individual will be saved no longer than 1 year after the membership has expired. On request, however, it is always possible to have contact details removed before the 1-year expiration.


During AAF activities pictures and videos may be collected for the sake of memory, as well as for collecting promotion material. This material may be used for our website and other social media channels (i.e. instagram, facebook, linkedin). By becoming a member you agree to these pictures being taken and possibly being distributed through our media networks. However, you always have the right to ask to not publish these images or have them removed from social media platforms.

Här ligger gården:

Öppet 15/6 - 12/10

CSA upphämntning



Malmövägen 3

23432 Lomma



På gården

16:00 - 18:00




På gården



Gården  16:00 - 17:30

Lund      16:15 - 16:45

Malmö   17:45 - 18:15


17:30 - 18:00

Beställning sker via:

Fredagar & lördagar



Farm pizza Saturdays 

At the farm


© 2024 Alnarp's Farm

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